Displaying Wares?

I will be selling two main products at a flea market - earrings and books. Great combo.

Anyway, I'm looking for some low cost ideas on how to display my products, other than bookcases or earring carosels. Wondered if anyone might have suggestions. Thanks!


Favorite Answer

A cheep and easy way to display your goods is to get some black or blue velvet and some small boxes of various sizes. Arrange the boxes on the table and put the velvet over them. The dark background will make lite colored things like silver or gold stand out and be more attractive and the difference in height will attract attention. As for the books just lay them out with the opening down on there sides with the title showing, maby stand a few of the better ones upright in front of the others, you know with them half open. This will bring attention to the other books, and showcase your better ones. Hope this helps.