methadone and anxiety?

ive been in treatment for opiate addiction for 4 years, ive been taking methadone at a clinic. at first this was an improvement and i felt good, not high, just normal. and yes i know all about methadone and how addictive it is, and it probably was a major mistake to start the program, but ive tried detoxing for the last 2 years and every time i start down, i have extreme anxiety and depression along with nausea and stomach pain. i suffer from anxiety already and i think that it is making this so much more difficult for me. but, no dr. wants to treat methadone patients especially here in southern wv. i would like to find a dr. who treats methadone patients without discrimination and arent afraid to prescribe the right meds.

Cheryl S2006-09-12T17:40:26Z

Favorite Answer

You would probably be better off going to a pain management clinic, if they can't help you, they will be able to refer you to someone who can.

General physicians are now allowed to treat opiate addicted pts.


Honey i have been in your shoes. I was addicted to pain pills for years. I wanted to get off of them even though i had legitimate pain. My family thought i was stoned all of the time. I went to the methadone clinic and got on the program. I didn't feel high or anything i just felt normal. I had to go into the hospital for pnuemonia and I told my doctor that I wanted off of the methadone. He lowered my dosage a little at a time. He got me down to 15mg. but when I went below that my heart beat would start to go irregular. It seems like it took me 2 months to get from 15mg to nothing. I would never suggest this for anyone ever. However there is a new drug and it is for detoxing from opiates. It is called Seboxin. I started on the vicodins again and this time i detoxed off of them with the Seboxin. There are no withdrawel symtoms from it. You take the pills for a few days and you are clean as a whistle. There are only a few doctors in the country that can prescribe this medication to you though and I was lucky enough to live in Michigan and the local hospital had a doctor that could prescribe it. It is a miracle drug. Check your area in W V to see if there is a doctor that can prescribe this medication to you. As for your anxiety I would go see a Psychiatrist to see if you can be given something for your nerves. Anxiety sucks i know but there is help. Just remember that you have an addictive personality and to be careful with the meds. Good Luck and God Bless you are trying your best keep it up. At least you are clean.


I don't think it is a mistake you have have taken a step to addresss the issue that you had.

The first step is to be on the rifght dose of methadone( a dose that your body is comfortable with)> It may be Anywhere between(30-130mg) or probably more.The right dose is one where you don't get the withdrawals.

Step 2-Be on this dose for a while anywhere between 3 weeks to 3 months to stabise yourself on the drug as wel as your life.

Step 3 think about reduction of methadone.The best time is when you feel that you are ready.

step-4 When you are ready for a reduction discuss it with your doctor on how you want to reduce.

Step5-If you are anxious about reducing do the reduction very slowly.You can even reduce by 1 mg a week,or 1mg meythadone in 2 weeks,1mg in a month.

If you feel that you want to reduce faster think about reducing between 2mg-5mg methadone every 2 weeks.

Step6.If at any point you feel that you are not able to cope.The methadone can always be upped up a bit.

Step 7;Set a realistic date and start seeing yourself being free of methadone.The date depends on the way the reduction is being done .If for eg you reduce 5mg every 2 weeks .then you are reducing approximately 10 mg methadone in a month.

step 8;You can use symptomatic medication each time you reduce ask your doctor to prescribe.

Some of the drugs that can be useful include.
1)Diazepam 5-10 mg at night to allay sleeplessness and anxiety the next day.(It is a long acting drug-hynotic and a sedative)

2) hyoscine Butylbromide 10-20 mg 3 times daily for 2-4 days.It hels with muscle spasms.

3)others include ibu profen for pain,loperamide for diarrhea,zopiclone for insomnia.

step 9-You are free of methadone.
Wishing you all the best


I am in the UK.I am sorry can't help you with a dr in USA.I think

ken q2006-09-12T18:02:21Z

Man its a small world i live in Seattle and just kicked heroin. man it ain't been easy . my girl fed me klonopins for a few days and the kick itself wasn't so bad. I know what you mean about the anxiety shaking and not knowing what to do with your self and constantly thinking of another hit. Its only been a week for me and i feel pretty good except the anxiety. you know what you need zanax or klonopin or diazapam . my suggestion is to go to a regular Dr and don't tell them about the methadone it metabolizes slower and wont show up in a test unless there looking.So Good luck my Friend i hope everything works out for you.


i'm on metahdone and am a former herion addict. the reason you get tension from opaite withdrawls contained in the main person-friendly thank you to assert it extremely is that for as long as you have been employing opiates they have been removing your tension. they have been soothing your fears, your anxietys and concerns. as quickly as you initiate detoxing off of drugs the sentiments that drugs masked start to return back, and you start to sense the very, very sturdy. it extremely is between the resons human beings relapse early in thier application. alongside with the indisputable fact that methaone and different opaites provide you a feeling of well being, once you're in with drawls from any opaites you physique gets very ill and screams out for extra of them. Your physique feels like it needs it, by using fact if it does not get it, it gets very ill. The recommendations starts to make you freak out and initiate thinking which you will desire to get it, it amps u the strain point by using fact dependancy is an extremely frustrating ingredient. it relatively is going to do anythuing to get you employing back. or perhaps added, the physiucal discomfort you conflict via ni withdrawl is definite to reason tension. regrettably, there extremely is not any thank you to get around tension from the withdrawls. you could shrink them with different meds, like Xanax, and attempting to locate help team yet witrawl is an evil ingredient and so is dependancy. it relatively is going to attempt to trick you into thinking you're in discomfort, in too a lot tension to shelter it and than you decide on it. Its going to be a lifelong combat. Its a daunting however. It scares me to dying.

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