Guys you poinion please!!! HELP!!!?

My boyfriend says he loves me so much all the time and he shows me love like I've never felt before. My problem is he asked me today if I knew that he loved me and I said of course i do but like 2 hours later he sent me a text and said he was confused about our relationship. I asked him to call me and he said it would be better if we just text. So I asked him if he was breaking up with me and he said no he's just explaining his feeling twords our relationship and he's been feeling this way for like 2 months. I don't understand because we have had the most amazing time together over the last two months. I mean really truly amazing. I've known him for 9 months and it has been the best time of my life. I'm happier than I've ever been and i know he's happy too, the way he acts to me and the things he says and does can't be fake, trust me. So i don't know whay he's telling me this if he doesn't want to break up and he loves me then whats so confusing? Does anyone have similar feeling

G.T. L2006-09-13T05:01:23Z

Favorite Answer

Is your love just physical and sexual? If so, then its definitely not real love. If he really loves you, he will:
1. Respect you for your views and values
2. Have total care and concern for you
3. Consults you on decisions that affect both of you directly or indirectly
4. Is sure of his relationship with you
5. Follows up his words by behaviour
6. Be sincere and honest with you

Abdullah A2006-09-13T11:40:30Z

Had he ever told you that he loves you?

May he thinks of you just as a good friend, a real friend. He might not be in a position to further the relation as a bf/gf but just as a frenz.

If its so, then be cool and go ahead with your friend otherwise you may end up losing a true friend.


excuses.confusion comes into play when a person has choices to make.there is something or someone else somewhere in this story.

wayne vicious2006-09-13T11:40:27Z

i think he is confuss about some certain dicision he needs to take as a man,don't worry let him sort himself out

Forlorn Hope2006-09-13T11:37:11Z

could be that he isn't sure if he wants to take the relationship further... maybe propose to you...

give him time to deal with whatever is bothering him...

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