How would you make Bill O'Reily shut up?

U know Blabbermouth Bill from Faux News...


Favorite Answer

Ugh..turn off my TV. I hate him >.<

Joe & Amy2006-09-18T12:08:57Z

I would force him to move to Mississippi. Let him experience the sad truth about how many people live in this country, and maybe then he'll understand what it's like to really have something to be concerned about.


Send him to Iraq to look for all the "good news" that the media aren't reporting.

No, wait. THat wouldn't make him shut up.

That would make him scream like a girl.


I have to agree with some of the others and just change the channel. I do it often!


Sit on him. While I am sitting on him I will make him hear Ludacris rapping in the background.

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