are UFOs real?

Sept/20/06. it seems that NASA has resolved the question,"are UFOs real"? there seems to be o doubt now. I wonder if the astronauts are at any risk of anal probes? Maybe we can elicit comments from some experts. UFologists!


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yes they r!
stores sell tonnes of encyclopedias about them


Many things can be classified as UFOs. Space junk is all around out there. Anything from a piece of the Space Shuttle to meteorite fragments could qualify. Decaying sattelite parts could be that also. But alien UFOs have yet to be proven.


hey billy, the other night there was a special on tv about "USOs" or unidentified Submerged Objects, ufos that travel under our earth's water and these cases have been document by the navy and as far back as to 1492- Columbus noted in his journal that he saw one when he was still a full day away from land... it was really interesting. The govt is investigating a case in Argentina now, but these cases are the only ones with actual govt/scientific proof and living witnesses w/ photos, videos etc. It really made me think...


Aliens fly in AFOs or alien flying objects. If you don't know what it is, you declare it a UFO. That's why there are lots of reports of UFOs, but if a flying saucer lands and little green men come out, you call it an AFO. If you know what it is and it's not an AFO, it's an IFO or an identified flying object.

Anybody that claims that aliens fly in UFOs, is not serious about the subject and an easy way to see a con.

I don't think AFOs have made contact with modern humans.

Adam L2006-09-20T07:39:48Z

I think that out of all the billions of stars - like our Sun - in the universe. Each hopefully with a fair few planets around them, it'd be relatively good odds that other planets had life on them too. Even if it is just plants or something to start off with.

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