Did Noah have some of all the living things on the ark?

If Christians are to deny the facts supporting the theory of evolution, then must they conceed that Noah and his family had every sexually transmitted disease that is unique to humans?

If not, did God decide to create STD's after the flood?


I said STD's that are unique to humans. That is that they require a human host to survive.

And Microevolution is a fact supporting the theory of evolution. Saying microevolution is possible, but macroevolution isn't is like saying you couldn't take small steps to travel a long distance.


Obviously all but a few didn't understand or misread my question my question. They either appealed to facts that support the theory of evolution or they alluded to god having created STD's after the flood.


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god created nothing new after his six days were up, that is the bible interpretation for the past 2,000 years at least. So there are no new species happening. the chickens raised by the romans are the only chickens, non of the american chicken breeds exist. the same thing is true of all the plants, there are no new types of corn since it was discovered, that is why Sweet Corn for eating off of the cob does not exist. Or the large flint corns for cattle feed. Did I say Cattle, same thing, The Texas longhorn cow is a myth, all cattle are just the same as the first cows out of egypt. If any of these things exist then evolution would be true and we know that creation is the only truth.

Oh by the way, he would have had at least two of every disease


Duh, guy above me, a horse very unlikely will become a whale, but an australopithecus became a human.

Mr. Padrino, 1st off if a horse became a whale the species wouldn't be the same as the presen-day whale. It would have to be a new species. 2nd, I realize the amount of change, and you, do you realize the enormous length of time that 300 million years is? You say there's no scientific evidence that one species may evolve into another. Either you are brainwashed by your church or you don't know what science is about. All species of today have evolved from other species (though some, very few, have maintain their characteristics for millions of years). The fossil record shows that very clearly. Now why do you give the example T-rex--> bird? You should be saying Deinonichus --> Archeopterix. Your example is so dumb. Look at a tadpole, do you think it can turn into a frog? Back to your rant, the inbetween changes what? Do you assume that all has stopped evolving? All species are now inbetween changes. When a new environment presents itself, either the species adapt and evolve or they go extinct. Simple as that. Duh.


Noak had every living animals in his time in the ark 2 of each kind, One pair of unclean aninmals Male & female Of the clean animals he had 7 pair, male & females, One reason was to offer a clean sacrifice up to God, & if he only had One pair of CLEAN animals then they would not reproduce, since Noah killed one for a sacrifice, No he did not have any dinsoraus. Noah did not have any kind of Fish in the ark, since they can live in water. Now you ask did God kill every transmitted diesase in the ark, the answer is NO, because a transmitted disease is a law of sin, God killed those transmitted diesases outside the ark.But as time went on after the flood, then God begin to allow these diseaes come back into focus, as we have them today, that is why God is getting ready to destroy this earth once again.


If you calculate the number of living organisms you find out that it would have meant that they would have needed to load something like 60 different things a second for 3 years.

This would have needed to go on 24/7.

How likely is that.

I also wondered as a kid about the idea that the flood wiped out all living things. I had trouble understanding how the fish had all drowned.

Love and blessings


the flood did not cover the entire world, just all the world that was known to noah's family - perhaps the entire part that was inhabited by humans, but maybe only what was inhabited by that culture. "the whole world" changes in size, depending on your perspective. if you have never been more than 20 miles from the house you were born in, and all you can see as far as you look is water, don't you think the water has covered the whole world?

many cultures have flood stories, and i've heard of at least 3 "noah's ark" stories from different ancient cultures, and there is geographic and archaeological evidence for at least 2 large regional floods in ancient times.

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