How can I buy a different cellphone while in a contract for two years..?

without paying the whole retail price? I would like to buy a camera phone now that I know more how to operate one, but Alltel tells me either I pay full price for one or wait another year or so and then buy one. I would like to buy one of those E815, I think it is called.

Thanks for your help,


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Usually when you buy a new phone at their discounted price it locks you in for another year or two contract.

I would try E-bay - that will probably bee the cheapest.

♥Me-Just Me♥2006-10-01T14:57:57Z

You can always check out for a cell phone. I have bought new and used for myself and my friends business. His business phone was not eligible for a new phone upgrade for about 6 months. Went online to, found a nice Cingular Razr phone that came with several accessories for less than $150 including shipping.

Just make sure that you search for phones for Alltel. I really wouldn' t trust anyone listing a phone as "unlocked" I just don't see how you can use a phone made for Cingular on an Alltel system, etc. Make sure that the person having the auction has great feedback. If they have some negatives, try to find them and read them. Most of the time the powersellers have negative feedbacks because someone thought the would get their product in 2 days from the East Coast to the West Coast, etc.

Good luck!


Nothing you really can do. I tried to get out of my contrat with Sprint and I'm suprised they let me. What I did was call each time until I finally had someone say yes. I spoke to the person in charge of the contracts. I told her that I was moving to another country very soon and I could not afford to pay for the contract, and I would not be here. She said ok, you are off the contract. Make it seem sincere, not as if you are telling a lie lol. Good luck.

Btw, they phone you're getting has some reviews you may want to read:

Before I got my new Motorola Razr pink phone I read the reviews.


Yep it is our job to say that. In reality, you can just buy a phone off of ebay or an friends phone and use it on your account(as long as they dont have a back bill on itand it is compatible with your service i.e. GSM, CDMA etc..)
I dont know if the E815 is compatible with Alltel or not but i have it thru verizon and i hate the phone!!


I think I would complain to their corporate office. Sometimes the sales people aren't in a position (empowered) to make a sale like that. Foolish of the company not to empower their people to keep us happy, isn't it. Something else you might consider is asking them if they have a used camera phone they will sell you at a discount. I've done that for more of what I wanted. Of course you could always just cancel your agreement and select another phone service.

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