What do you think about; Grade Schools without any Breaks or Recesses?
My 7 year old (second grade) grandson loved school until this year. He excelled his first two years at top of his class, but this year he doesn't want to go and is making failing grades weekly and is acting depressed. I believe the school eliminating recess has caused this. Has any one else had this problem with their children?
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I have the same problem with my 7 year old, and I think the best action is to home school the kids! I've seen teachers on here during school time playing on their computers instead of doing what we the tax payers are paying them to do,"TEACH OUR KIDS".
I believe that recess should be an integral part of the school day. Children need a break, both physically and mentally. Their minds get tired which affects their abiity to concentrate. Their bodies get restless just sitting and need an outlet. Recess could also help to address the problem of childhood obesity.
I really don't have this problem, but I was an elementary school teacher for thirty years and I know that student need breaks between classes and definitely need their resess. Most students attention span is very short and you can be teaching all day but they will not asimilate all of it because they will get tired. And this will happen to all students no matter the grade. Even grown-up get tired when sitting in a meeting all day so imagine grade school students.
Teachers of all people should know that children have short attention spans, kids need that break. We as adults get breaks from our jobs kids need those breaks too. To take away recess is unthinkable, I would as a parent definately voive my opinion to the school. Is the school running a school or prison? I would be making my statements to the principal for sure. Good luck
Wow! Open enroll to another school! Recess is VERY important and I guess I can not understand why a school would get rid of it. First of all the attention span of children is not like an adults.... I hear the words caged animals in school coming to my mind. Also do these schools not hear about the over weight problems we have.