My partner suffers from anxiety and panic attacks almost daily which he feels lik ehes having a heart attack and going to die. Does anybody know of natural remedies to help relieve thi he is currnetly taking a magnesium tablet to help but i want to know th most popular that works thanks :)
Blunt Honesty2006-10-04T20:11:37Z
Favorite Answer
Here is a natural remedy..... Slap them really hard next time.
That is good! People with panic disorder all the time scared of taking medications..... Tablets or other dosage forms. Look, first of all, there are so many herbal medications that are used and been used successively.... St. John's wort "Hypericum perforatum" This herb is used for depression and so used for anxiety and panic disorder. What I can say here, that, Xanax is not that hard stuff and addictable, You know it has two little doses 0.5 and 0.25mg, you can even take a half of the 0.25 mg tablet whenever you think the whole tablet is sedating or something like that. There is another herb used for anxiety called Valeriana, It's sedating and very safe, You can find Valeriana as called "Cat herba" the same thing...... Good luck.....
I have tried all of the suggested natural remedies, and none of them ever did any good. The only thing that helped me are tranquilizers prescribed by a physician. Panic attacks are serious and should not be treated lightly. If it has continued for more than a couple of weeks, he should seek professional care.
Hi there, I just laugh about my past 3 years of panic now. I was not able to go anywhere without carrying xanax. Fear of having another attack was the most important subject of my days.When i first found joe barry's web site i started to cry because of my happiness.
Panic attacks are created by the mind. If he learns to relax and not be too stressful he would be able to cope with this very well. It takes years of learning to be very stable in mind if he doesn't start from now he will not be able to achieve it and will eventually end up in assylum. To make him relax, try camomile tea. Get a nice body massage using essential oil like lavender, jasmine, lemon grass. Also try burn any of the oil mentioned above in his bedroom before he goes to sleep. All the best!