Monotheists and religious intolerance?

Why are montheistic religions less tolerant of other religions than their polytheistic counterparts?


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Polytheistic religions tend to be more tolerant because they are used to sharing. What would happen if Zeus suddenly got jealous of all Posiedon's followers and had his priests start a war? Both sides would suffer. The priests, esp, would suffer, which is another reason why they didn't go off to war much. In addition, when polytheistic religions met a new god, as often as not they would just adopt them into their pantheon. They tended to hedge their bets.
Monotheists, on the other hand, have to believe that all other gods are wrong because there is no room for any other gods in their worldview. If other gods can exist, then they (the monotheists) must be wrong, and their religion is destroyed.

diamond r2006-10-06T03:03:40Z

Because they do business and they do nt have confidence in the truth they teach . A good wine needs no bush. they want to augment the income of the churches through the thithes .and the priests wnat to enjoy a comfortable homosexual life using the income of the church. If all the people of all countries convert to any particular religons , the chuirch would become more powerful and the governments of the countries would be like the vassals of the church .It is a sure and certain way of the priests / bishops becoming the uncrowned king of the whole world with out taking any responsibility for the poeple's life . On the other hand , the ruling goernment of any country will find it hard to collect the taxes and would also be facing demands of the people for so many services . but the churches get thier thithes and other incomes without having to exert much and without having to give anything in return to the people but at the same time having a more powerful influence on the poeple than the Goernments whateer be the type of the government . so spreading the religons is a sure way oif bringing all countries under the control of the church or orher religious institutions . The priests will become virtual rulers without absolutely no responsibility. So governents and political parties all over the world should be wary of the subtle plot of the religous institutions in their respective countries . It is not without reason that Christians and Muslim religous heads want to convrt the whole world to their respective religions , it is not for the people at any rate .It is for themselves to aquaire political power as in the Islamic theocratic states all over the world today. They are fooling the people and the governments in the name of religions .


Monotheists religion over simplify everything and make on gods word the "truth" like a dictatorship would work whereas polytheistic are more like democracy's with more different opinions


uhm by definition. They are MONOtheistic. That's why I keep saying that Christianity is by definition intollerant of others religious beliefs. It's immpossible to be a christian and think that others religious beliefs are valid.

Nowhere Man2006-10-06T02:49:31Z

Because when monotheists are presented with another god, they strongly reject that god, and try to convert people over to their god. Polytheists, however, when presented with a different god, merely accept that god as another god worthy of worship.

Before it became illegal to kill somebody, monotheists would go as far as killing you to prevent you from worshipping another god. Again, polytheists would warmly welcome your worship of another god.

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