What freedom is violated the most at school?

Keith Perry2006-10-09T06:46:12Z

Favorite Answer

Religion. Taking away prayer.


The freedom to not feel threatened or bullied, are kids happy at school?, I don't think so, I would hate to be a school kid in todays world, there isn't much teaching going on, and not forgetting the FREEDOM TO WANT TO LEARN.


I don't know if this holds true today but back in 1969 and before the right to talk and pray to God was violated. No one was permitted to talk anything about the Bible or religion in school. They said go to church to talk about that! Is Prayer and Religion what you were thinking of? It should be allowed to be talked about in schools. Schools are wrong to not allow it! What would happen if places didn't want you to talk about your education? Suppose You couldn't talk about your regular
School at Bible Camp! What would you do?


Freedom of expression


Free Education.

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