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elevate your legs on the sofa, rub oil on legs,
You probably have pressure on a disk or perhaps even a herniated disk in the lumbar portion of the spine that's pressing on the nerves to your legs. Depending on which disk is involved, this could be a condition called sciatica. But just one vertebrae away it's not called by the same name, but it is still nerve pain down your legs. Usually the pain that radiates down the back of the legs is from the sciatic nerve, pain down the front of the legs is from the next disk up the spine between lumbar 3 and lumbar 4. See an orthopedic doc or a neurology doc.
There is also a condition called ankylosing spondylitis that can cause a lot of low back pain and pain down the legs. This is not due to herniated disks, but is a disease process. For this you need to see a Rheumatologist. Here's a great web site about spondylitis diseases.
Another possibility is that you could have some osteoarthritis of the spine.
Or you could be like me and have all 3 of these conditions: herniated disks, ankylosing spondylitis, and osteoarthritis. No, I am not having fun yet.
Best wishes.
There are too many possibilities..where does the pain shoot? Back or the front of the legs? Worse with trunk flexion (bending forward) extension (backward). Yes, it is possible to have sciatica/nerve root irritation...No, I would not recommend a chiropractor. If it is along the front of the legs...beginning toward the front of the waist by the could possibly be something called myralgia paresthetica...It is more common in women who wear "hip hugger" jeans... Ankylosing spondylitis is more common in men than women. It is possible, but is an unlikely etiology of your pain.
I recommend starting with a family practitioner, and possibly a referral to an orthopaedic or neurosurgeon for further evaluation.
U need to see a doctor for that. You could be developing degenerative disc disease. This is something that breaks down your cartilage in your back and can cause pressure on your nerves. You can see an orthopedic doctor or nerve specialist, even chiropractors. My friends husband has had two back surgeries because of this type of pain you may need to seek out a pain specialist as well.
Frank S
i had pain like this about a year ago. What you should probably do is go see a chiropractor. The reason you are having pains shoot down your legs is because your spine is out of alignment.