Help name of painting or artist??

I am looking for a painting that I cannot remeber the name of! I think it's baroque, but I am not sure. It is a painting of a woman laying on her side, nude, with her body facing away and her head turned towards the painter. She has a red(or pink) cloth draped across her mid-section? Can anyone help me with the artist's name or the name of this painting?


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This could be a depiction of Venus or Odalisque I believe. Try the artists Ingres, Velasquez, Boucher and Titian and also the Baroque, Rococo, Renaissance and Neo classical genres.

If you gave me a little more detail maybe I could help you more.


I think you are thinking of La Grand Odalisque by Ingres.

I just saw a commerical about skin lotion and one of the images was a woman in the same position as the woman in the painting. I am sorry I cannot think of the lotion product name. But, after reading your question, this popped into my head!


Frederick Kohli... a more modern painter. And then more historic ones would be Edward Hopper, Canaletto, Guardi, Thomas Jones, Monet, Van Gogh, hundertwasser - all painted buildings. Good luck! ;-)


The only painting that comes to mind from your description is Ingres "La Grande Odalisque" although I don't believe she has anything draped across her.


Maybe you're thinking about Le Grande Odalisque by Ingres.
Here's a picture:

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