What's the point of cookbooks?

I've got shelves full of cookbooks, and buy 1-2 more every year. I'm starting to wonder, why? I can just enter the kind of recipe I'm interested in on the internet and hit enter, and I've got more recipes to browse through than I've got time to read. Anyone else come to the same conclusion?


Favorite Answer

I simply like cookbooks - especially those with pictures of the finished product. It gives me something to shoot for! (Seriously, I NEED those pictures.)


I buy cookbooks for the pictures, no joke. I don't get a cookbook if it doesn't have pictures. And most of the time I look through it just for fun. It's also good if I have no idea what I want. Going online only works if you have something specific in mind.

Hailee D2006-10-14T04:14:22Z

I came to this conclusion when my grandmother left me 19 full sized refridgerator boxes full of cook books. She would buy one because it had a good recipe in it, and then buy another because it had ONE good recipe in it. I eventually just took out the recipes i wanted and either donated the books or tossed them in the recycle bin. Also, some of the old fashioned recipes you can't find on the internet, and it's amusing to see how old timers did the things we can do today with machines.


I think to just read a cookbook trains your mind in the basics of cooking. Once you have read different ways of doing things you develop a style of your own and may even create new recipes. This is my experience anyhow.


What seems more appealing?
Consulting sheets of paper that were spit out by your printer while trying to manage a meal in progress?...Or being able to refer to a trusty tome of delectable dishes right at your finger tips?
The print outs might be convenient,but if you run into a culinary term that you're not familiar with nothing beats a cook-book! Just check the glossary! No need to run to the computer and google "saute","sear",or "tbsp".It's all there in your handy-dandy cookbook!

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