How does being an incompetent warrior qualify you as A GOOD LEADER?

John McCain was a bad pilot who got his plane shot down by "hot dogging",, John kerryHeinz was such an incompetent boob that he couldn't last 3 months in Nam without injuring himself 3 times-- and put himself in for a purple heart each time-- then when he came back to the u.s.a. he made up a bunch of lies about the rest of us who were there..Now , whenever we have a question about torture,, we turn to those two bums for advise! WHAT THE !@#$% IS THAT ALL ABOUT??


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Welllllll... in Nam, if you got hurt during action you got a purple heart. After receiving 3 purple hearts you could come home! Guess what Kerry did!!! The whole torture thing is upsetting, cuz I would make a bet (and probably win) that our soldiers have to endure far more torture at the hands of the Iraqis than any of the prisoners we had. Far as I am concerned the Iraqi prisoners should never have been taken alive and ALL of the reporters should be kept at home along with the politicians. The war would be over and our military home.


It's not that being an incompetent warrior makes you a good leader, it's just that all the good leaders (at least in the military) usually end up dead because they're not hiding in the back.

Good leaders lead by example. They are out there in the front with their troops. They see what their troops see so that they can make the best informed decisions possible so that the highest percentage of troops will make it home in relatively one piece.

Our leaders are not perfect. No one is perfect. BUT, because we are a democracy, if you don't like who's in charge or up for election........DON'T VOTE FOR THEM!!!!!

Realize that there are traits in people that you can look for that will help you discover if they are a good leader. They are confident in what they're doing and who they are. They listen to all ideas and try and make the best choice for the situation (not necessarily for the people). They are as fair as they can be, again, depending on the situation.

Just follow your gut instinct. And LISTEN to what is being said. If it doesn't ring true to you then research it.

My two cents....

- Tig

liberal democratic republican2006-10-14T08:21:03Z

Well, look at Bill. He had no military background, ignored military advisors, weakened the entire military structure, put our forces in situations where they didn't belong without proper intel or support and was still re-elected and hailed as the "Greatest President ...". I didn't vote for "old dress stainer" and am amused with how he is trying to rewrite history.


wrestle and administration are 2 diverse skills. Your get mutually of McCain is one in each and every of someone who has grown previous the wrestle jock to an man or woman. We improve and modify each and every of the time. i does no longer believe Kerry in a locked room, he betrayed truly some human beings and to his income. We a minimum of comprehend the fee McCain paid is authentic. regrettably in the scum pond of nationwide politics honorable adult males and women are few and far between. those who can make solid nationwide leaders will not in any respect bypass politics.


Keep asking the questions that the Libs don't want to hear.
Ever notice how questioning a liberal is wrong and questioning a conservative is patriotic. Talk about irony.

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