Have you ever heard of Black Irish ....?

What facts/tales do you know of?


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The sayings comes from back in the 1800's when Irish people started to emigrate and people in other countries were surprised at how so many of them had dark features so they were called the 'black irish'. It doesn't have anything to do with being african, jamaican etc. The popular theory that they were all descendants from the Spanish Armada is a myth, very few men survived the Armada attacks and even fewer went on to live in Ireland, most returning to Spain. There is some confusion over what it means, dark hair, brown eyes and an olive complexion or black hair, pale skin and blue eyes. I myself have been called black Irish as i have naturally black hair, green eyes and very pale skin so there i don't think there is a definite description over what characteristics someone has to have to be considered black Irish.


They are Irish people with darker features, descended from Irish mixed with spanish or other "dark" cultures that came in contact with the Irish. For example, an Irish man with black hair and dark eyes would be called Black Irish. I believe there are also Swedes who are called Black too for the same reason.


Yes I have, they are called Black Irish because their black hair and dark eyes. Just the opposite of what people think the Irish look like.


Only things I have heard...when the Spanish Armada crashed in Ireland...there were a lot of black people in the Spanish Navy...they were welcomed into Ireland as friends of the Irish and enemies of the English...not sure how much truth there is to it...but it sounds reasonable

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