wats the best material for a wig???

i wanna open up my own wig bussiness and wat nuthin but the best


Favorite Answer

There are two types of wig material - synthetic fiber and real human hair. Most people naturally assume that a human hair wig is necessarily better than a synthetic one, when in fact it is not that simple. The correct choice depends on what you expect from your wig, how you are going to wear it, and how much time can you can devote to caring for it.

Advantages of human hair wigs:

A human hair wig lasts longer than a synthetic one
A human hair wig is soft and feels natural, to the touch
A human hair wig can styled and dyed, just like your own hair
A human hair wig “breathes”, so your scalp won’t perspire as much under one

A human hair wig needs to be styled after every wash
A human hair wig is expensive

A synthetic wig also has several advantages:

ease of care - the wig keeps its style after being washed
lower price


You can’t style a synthetic wig with iron - it will burn
A synthetic wig will last only a few months, if you wear it every day


I would get all kinds of wigs. I had never worn a wig till I had chemo from breast cancer. I could not charge them to the insurance. Which is Blue-cross/Blue-shield.

The wig mart had the lower price wigs there for a choice. I ended buying two! I'm also returning them to be handed down to other ladies with cancer.

I donated my hair to locks of love before it fell out to make wigs.

Also at this wig mart, in Roanoke Va, they fit bras, and Prosthesis for cancer survivor. It was one of the most thrilling things I got to do while I was going through treatment.

You only need someone that is very kind and gentle.

I'm sure you would have a great businesses. Please consider this extra :)


Human Hair


human hair or horse hair