China doesn't want strict sanctions against North Korea because they don't want a flood of refugees. Comments?

China says it fears hundreds of thousands of refugees from North Korea if the country struggles too much under strict sanctions. Give me a break! If the whole population of North Korea, 22,900,000 picked up and went to China, that would still be only 1.7% of China's population of 1,300,000,000. Given Canada allows a 1% immigration rate annually, why is such an influx to China such a big deal, under the circumstance. Canadian immigration is from 240,000 to 290,000 annually in a country of only 32,000,000. It would not surprise me at all if China is complicit in the help to North Korea to obtain nuclear weapons. China even implies it doesnt want to inspect goods properly entering N. Korea. Think about our freinds in China when you make a purchase at the mall!


More than one of you deserves 10 points. Thanks alot for helping me understand the complexities of this and the information....I may be wrong, but somehow I still feel China is enjoying all this, as it sends fear to Japan and South Korea more than anyone else, and relives the Cold War.


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I'd say you are not too far off base cdmaclean. It is clear that China is not overly concerned with the possibility that North Korea could ship nuclear components outside of their country. China signed on to the resolution stating that all cargo shipments to and from North Korea will be inspected yet before the ink was dry they stated that they would not perform inspections and this has nothing to do with potential refugees. That was a clear message to North Korea that they were not happy with the testing of the weapon but that they are going to do very little to stop North Korea from progressing with their nuclear program. It tells me that China couldn't care less *who* North Korea sells nuclear weapons to.

China is playing both sides against the other. To me that is a flagrant violation of their responsibility as a permanent member of the UN Security Council. If there was a way to have them removed as a permanent member they should be. How can the UN condone a country signing an agreement and then willfully declaring that they will not honor that agreement. Perhaps China should have a few sanctions slapped on them. Of course, sanctions mean nothing. Resolutions mean nothing where the UN is concerned. Before any of you throw it up that the US doesn't honor agreements (Iraq War) let me refer you back to Resolution 1441 signed unanimously by all members of the UN Security Council in 2002.

China wants North Korea to be a thorn in the US's side. Anything that weakens the United States positions around the world is just fine with China.

chalqua, I found it peculiar your choice of words in describing "disrupting the normal order of things". Once I saw your source as being someone who has been living in China for the past 5 years I understood why you would make a statement like that. Still, phrasing a statement like "disrupting the normal order of things" that makes me want to ask you your position on communism. How would you feel about the spread of communism around the world?

chalqua, Just so you know, the six party talks did not stall due to the excessive pressure being applied by the US. The six party talks stalled because North Korea walked away from the talks. North Korea does not want six party talks. They want dialogue one on one with the United States. We already tried that. There was bilateral talks between the US and North Korea for over 8 years. Concessions were agreed to on both sides and agreements signed. It cost the United States hundreds of billions of dollars to get North Korea to agree to not pursue nuclear weaponry in the mid 1990's. North Korea broke those agreements. What would ever lead anyone to believe that North Korea would stand by any future agreements?

People talk about boycotting Citgo gas due to it's ties to Venezuela. We went through a phase where we wouldn't buy anything French. We talk about reducing our reliance on foreign oil. Maybe we should refrain from buying anything with the "made in China" sticker on it. It may cost us alittle more, but I would be willing to pay more to begin to cut our economic ties with China. That is the only way to send our own message to China.


No offense, but have you ever looked at this from the Chinese angle? The refugee's you claim don't seem like a problem until you realise that most of them would be unskilled labourers and farmers, which China already has en mass. Also, you can't compare refugees and migrants. They usually have very different backgrounds, both educationally and financially. Migrants are allowed into Canada because they can be of some use to society. China is complaining about refugees who will flood into the northern provinces, disrupting the normal order of things.

As far as the Chinese public are concerned North Korea is as big a threat to them as to the US. Naturally I'm not privy to what the Chinese government really think about the situation bit in all the media reports I've seen they condemn any nuclear tests. I'd also like to point out that China has been a key participant in the 6-party talks which stalled last year due to excessive pressure from the US.


All of you who are writing hateful things about North Korea, shame on you. How do you know that they don't have access to computers there. People Think Saudis live in tents and stuff but I'm Saudi and I assure you I live in a solid brick structure and have 4 automobiles and we have malls and all the franchises Americans have and as I'm writing this on my MacBook, I can't help but feel sorry that all you guys are so ignorant. As for the fact That Justin Bieber won't visit North Korea, it's just hat he has a pre made schedule that was very carefully made and he probably won't visit every single country in the world this time around and will hopefully remember North Korea for the next tour but he obviously can't change his schedule now. And not everybody hates North Korea, I know I don't.

S =]2006-10-18T04:33:02Z

not only increasing china's population, but also affecting China economy and their own people, such as job, food, supply, living condition, crime.
However, china needs to more open-minded to look at far future, not just tomorrow. NK can bring a tremendous problem to the world...


it would pose many hardships on china however they have the ability as last long time friends to tell the Nk to open talks and for listen to what the world is trying to tell NK, keep in mind these two are long time bed fellows, personal observation if china was serious it would have told Nk listen shut he fu*k up or along with other will starve the piss out of you, sanction ultimately will will lead people to overthrow that little twerps I"D say starve'm and quit buying that chinese knock off junk <<<< living in south china

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