What would you do if..?

you were a follower of Yahweh back during the days when he ordered his followers to kill every, or nearly every inhabitant of a city(1 Sam 15:3, Numbers 31:17-19 etc...)with swords? (That's the best weapon they had avaliable for mass murdering back then.)

Would you rather hold a kid down while your buddy drove a sword through their stomach in front of their mother or vice versa?

Or would you want to be one of the ones hacking people up?

So hacker or holder? Which is it? You could not opt out..I would hate to see the penalty for defying god's orders.

Please save the apologetics. I have heard it all.

I really just want to know what you, as a good Bible believing Christian, would have done back in the day? And would you go kill everyone in Las Vegas right now if god told you to?


JellyBean - because it is a city where there are lots of sins going on and Christian apologists typically say that is Yahweh's reason for having them mass murdered.


Favorite Answer

I'd be a hacker, only I'd hack the holder and let the child go. Then I'd go on a hacking rampage, hacking up as many hackers and holders as I could before I got hacked myself. Once they hacked me I'd probably go to Hell, but it would okay. Eternity in a lake of fire couldn't be half as bad as an eternity spent with a bunch of hackers and holders.


yes, i would go kill everyone in las vegas now, but i seriously doubt God would tell me to do that. He is a just God, but He wants things done right, and mass murdering people would not be right! it tells us in matthew that we're not supposed to murder. granted, God told the Israelites that, but they killed all of their enemies. my point is, if God told me to do it, i would do it b/c it was a command, but i doubt He would do that b/c He is God and He is a nice God!


Hey! Why Vegas? LOL

Edit: Ohhhh, gotcha. Sorry, I didn't mean it to be rude. Was just curious how you came up with Vegas , lol :)


It really would be a strong test of faith...that's for sure. But hopefully I would be one to obey God and trust in Him.

Red Yeti2006-10-18T20:34:09Z

Times change. would you rather be the hunter or the gatherer? How about the one that paints on the cave wall? Same question as yours. meaningless. It has no point.
So how many more times are you going to ask it?

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