what makes a good friend?


Favorite Answer

A good friend is someone who likes you for who you are.
A good friend is someone who is not afraid of being honest with you even if they insult you in your face about your bad habits.
A good friend is someone who thinks you are unique and trusts you.
Most importantly, a good friend is worried about you if they detect any changes in your personality. If it is a bad personality, they will be worried. if it is a positive change, they will be happy. They know who you are so it's no use trying to deny if a problem arises.


Someone who is there through your happiness and trials. A good friend supports you in everything and is truthful.


Someone who likes you for you, shows respect, has a really high paying job and can change the oil in your car.


Loyalty, honesty, supporting nature. If a friend is going to lie to you, betray you or not support you, they are not much of a friend.


a good friend is someone who u can trust tell her ur feeling and have fun with share ur happines sadness with her and she wiill always understand u and not betray u on someone else..

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