How to socialize with homeschooling?

I started homeschooling a year ago, my parents and I both agreeing that it was better for education. However, I am not religious, and have no way of meeting people. I was always the shy sit-in-the-corner kind of girl at school, and as consequence have ended up with shall we say "less than a lot of friends"? I prefer homeschooling as far as education goes, but feel I might go mad from lack of socialization in a day (I teach myself school, with my parents being at work). I have been considering public highschool to solve the problem, but really REALLY do not want to attend it. Any suggestions as far as clubs/groups go?


I DO NOT like sports. Have tried them. Have gotten wacked in the head too many times. Also any specific things for western New Yortk area? Like Buffalo/Rochester area?


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I'm sorry, I don't really have an answer for you. The lack of logic from Mr. Z's answer has me reeling. Since you've only been out of school for a year and, according to him, public school is the ONLY effective way (or perhaps the only way, period) to develop social skills, what the heck does he think will happen to you? If public school is the place to develop those skills, then after, what, the 8-9 years that you've been there, shouldn't they have developed your social skills really well? Good grief...

With that small rant out of the way, try these to find out about homeschooling activities:

Rochester Area Homeschoolers Assoc.
275 Yarmouth Road
Rochester, NY 14610.

Buffalo Area Homeschooling Association (BAHA) - open to all kinds of homeschoolers; waldorf inspired, unschoolers, eclectic, community based, etc
E-mail: Sue Tannehill

DEFINITELY do a search for Rochester homeschool or Buffalo homeschool in Yahoo Groups. There's a lot there.

Also, consider things like lessons--swimming lessons or other group lessons offered in your community. There may even be some set up for homeschoolers specfically. Also, volunteering. I don't know about where you live, but here, there are high school volunteers at the public library who go around shelving books. If something like that is available, you might be able to meet kids your age.


"Say hello to friends you know and everyone you meet." (Frosty the Snowman)

C'mon.... it is easy to get in a rut being shy but don't stay there!!! I went to public school for my entire life and was tearfully shy well into my teen-years. I also could not speak in public without shaking like a leaf in an earthquake. I still can't. BUT, I have learned as an adult how to make friends by being friendly.

Smile when you see someone in the grocery store. Wave at people that you know. You don't have to be "religious" to get along with people that are. Make friends wherever you go. Take time to go to children's centers, senior centers, etc... become a helper to others and you'll be surprised at how social you can become. Everyone has relatives -- old folks have grandkids and young people have older siblings --- socialize with every age group and meet as many good people as possible.

Go to youth group meetings -- listen to things that others are learning and talk about it.

Figure out what your interest and skills are and find groups that have the same. There are clubs and associations for nearly everything.

4H is a great place to begin. My daughters did horses, my son has done woodworking, dogs, pigs. They used to do cooking.

They met an adult neighbor lady that taught the entire neighborhood children to knit.... Yes, the boys learned it too.

There are art centers that offer classes. Painting, carving, etc....

Choose an interest and find the people.

HTH and happy finding to you!

Marcie RN2006-10-21T17:08:40Z

Girl Scouts is great! And what sports have you tried? In New York you could try recreational ice skating. It's not that hard. Join ISI (ice skating institute) and you can do recreational competitions. You compete against people only at your level and it is a lot of fun! They even have a World's Competition every year where kids from around the world come to USA to compete. And it is all recreational. Contact a local rink. We have a bunch of home school kids at our rink and they use it as their P.E.
It is usually open 7 days a week and you meet kids from around the area, your own age. And you go to competitions together and have fun with it picking out music and costumes!


I don't know about the teaching yourself part, I strongly believe that your parents should be overseeing your education, but anyways-back to your question, have you and your parents considered private school? Check in your state for programs for scholarships to private schools. As far as clubs or groups, try looking for homeschool groups or clubs that meet. Check in the phonebook for stores that sell and specialize in homeschool curriculum, they usually coordinate groups like these or know of them. You can then make new friends and keep in touch with them on a regular basis. Hope this helps! : )


I went through that. most of those home schoolers are bible thumpin' hyprocrits. I hated it, but finished school 2 years early. They should have a mailer that you can meet the other kids and stuff. I had art class every week and once a month they had an acitivity like bowling ect.

keep in touch with your old friends from school, hop on my space, or something. Get a job and you can meet people.That's what I did hope it helps.the only thing I liked about HS was I could do my work in my underwear!

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