do you think the usa has a better understanding of why saddam ruled Iraq the way he did now?
The usa only opened iraq to more terrorists. they are coming out of the wood work now. When saddam reigned in Iraq his methods may have been harsh but it was no where near the blood bath it has become since the usa invaded the country. ok admittedly, saddam executed a lot of people perhaps, some of them was innocent but you have to respect the fact that he had three warring factions living in iraq. If he had allowed even one of those groups a little power it would have been as bad as it is now under the usa control.
2006-10-21T17:03:30Z soon as you take your head out of the sand I will! If you put on your bifocals and open your eyes and ears you could see what is happening over there.
pancakes...wake up! just because someone asks a question does not necessarily mean they support one side or the other. it was a question! that's what this forum is supposedly about! As far as the usa reasons for invading Iraq and setting up a supposed democracy..helloooo its not working! where have you been the last three years!
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It had nothing to do with Saddam - it's all about the oil. When is America going to see through this man's lies and finally accept the truth about Bush and his quest for money for himself and his friends.
Yeah, exactly! Hitler did a good job, too, of keeping people in line. OK, admittedly, Hitler executed a lot of people perhaps, most of them innocent, but he had the three warring factions political factions of the socialists, anarchists, and the Nazis living together peacefully and under control.
So, do you think we should have left Hitler alone since things in Germany were pretty bad after the Nazis were removed? Or do you think it was right that we got them under control helped establish a democracy there?
So, would you like to take a moment to excuse and defend Hitler, too?
I believe that there is plenty of evidence that Saddam was a ruthless killer. The fact that so many Iraqi people came out and RISKED THEIR LIVES to VOTE....TWICE...says a great deal about how things could be without the interference of those who don't want Iraq to become a democracy.
Even an Ostrich can see that tyranny is NOT something to be tolerated.
Saddam ruled with an IRON fist that included bondage and torture but on a whole Saddam had control and most of the world was just happy to ignore his means.
Makes one wonder if some people need brute force or just have come to expect to live that way ???? Gives new meaning to the word "innocent".
If the US had squashed the terrorists in the beginning instead of worrying about public opinion we wouldn't have "innocents" driving car bombs into marketplaces packed with women and children.