Do you think the US will broadcast Saddam Husseins hanging?


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It will probably be on Al-Jezira and eventually on the internet but I doubt if we see it on American TV.


No way in HELL will American media broadcast a hanging. If they don't show all the stuff that's been happening in Iraq, they will not show a measly hanging

The mom2006-11-05T02:26:29Z

Since the US doesn't broadcast executions, I seriously doubt they would. It would be against FCC regulations anyway, and none of the networks would want to risk getting the fine for it.


Yes Steven Speilberg is already commisioned for special effects.
The Congress is presented with a budget for the rope and the hangman, CNN and NBC have exclusive rights,
BBC has the inclusive wrongs,
Together they plan to make it an event. an event like 9/11
to prove finally that we the Americans did it,


No. But it would be good if they showed the executions of people in American prisons.In an appropriate and timely way, away from young children.if possible.It might deter some people to not kill

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