a lady brings a new babby?

into the doctors office the doc says the babby is mighty thin is the babby bottle feeding or breast feeding the lady says she is breast feeding the doc asks her to undress from the waist up he pokes & prods &says no wonder the babby is thin U dont have any milk thats right says the lady iam her aunt.


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Ha Ha Ha ...case of utter confusion.....leading to further confession by the aunt to the Doc , that she had a nice time by him !!! Other wise why she couldn't disclose the fact that she was Baby's aunt, when she was asked to undress herself from the waist ?! Ha Ha Ha .....Good one !!!


kinda touchy feely eh doc?


I can't believe she let him get that far before speaking up...

cheeks the slick2006-11-09T22:10:05Z

hahhahaahahahahaaha made that mistake once hahahahaa



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