i just wanted to let everyone know...?

i just wanted to let everyone know that i love my gf and im going to marry her one day and i dont give a toss about the stupid laws that say that we cant because we will... :-)


Favorite Answer

You go girl! ; )


Good on you, mate! But you can marry her now, like I did my best beloved for 26 years now by a simple hand fasting ceremony. We know we are married, in our hearts, it matters that we can't enjoy the same legal benefits but that doesn't change how we feel about each other. So go for it. Good luck. True love knows no gender.

- iceman -2006-11-09T21:37:39Z

Right on! My girl & I are also planning to get married. Well, we're already married, you know, since marriage is a state of mind. Still, the rights that come along with marriage do come in handy! So, you go girl! We'll be rooting for you!


GOOD FOR YOU!! My wife and I are getting married and we live in New York. We are all but through an actual ceremony, so to me she's my wife even now! It isn't fair that it's still not legally recognized in some places. Don't worry hon - there are lots of people who already understand that true love happens between two women and we'll be seeing more gay marriages happening.


Uh can you phrase that in the form of a question? Oh well while I don't like spam I am happy for you and I hope you have a wonderful life with each other.

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