Having a child...?

Why is it when alot of women, and men, who have unprotected sex, become surprised and sometimes disappointed when they find that she may be pregnant? It shows how much power sex has over our minds. It's like they want to forget what could happen, but when it does happen, all of a sudden, they're concerned.


nanabooboo...I didn't forget the ones that were pleasantly surprised because I was one of them...those people aren't the issue. I'm strictly talking about the ones that conveniently forget that they could have a baby and then become disappointed when it happens.


No Renate, it actually is a question. I asked why do people become surprised or disappointed when they find out they're having a baby after unprotected sex.


Favorite Answer

Because they are stupid. It's the same reason why people drink and drive, do not file taxes then get upset when IRS gets them, smoke and then they are surprised when they get cancer... The list goes on and on and on.There is no cure for stupidity.
I would be very disappointed if I got pregnant, but that is why I use 2 forms of BC religiously at all times.


For me I have always been a firm believer that there is no such thing as an accidental Pregnancy. the reason being you know that when you lay down with person, there is always a chance that, the person you sleep with could become pregnant. Even though both of you use protection there is always the chance of getting pregnant. So bottom line if your not ready for a baby abstinance is the best thing.


I like the fact that you're a man asking or saying this, because the majority think that there isn't their problem and the woman has to take care of that issue. I think is both responsibility to use protection to have sex not only for avoid pregnancy but also to protect against diseases.


Actually it happens less than you think , most woman do not get preg that easlily. So a woman that is practicing unprotected sex often and does not get preg is very surprised when she finally does. Of course the male is always surprized because he thinks the woman took care of things.


When the sex drive takes over, rational thought goes out the window. How often have you seen questions on here talking about "accidental" pregnancy? Or "I've been having unprotected sex, do you think I might be pregnant?" Makes me want to scream.

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