Catholics say Peter was the first Pope?

Why do Catholics not follow after Peter's teachings if he indeed was their first Pope? Or is it just a matter of...that being history and time has passed and things have changed and you don't have to follow his teachings anymore?

Peter said everyone needs to repent and be baptized in the name of Jesus Christ and receive the gift of the Holy Ghost.
Not all catholics have the Holy Ghost, because tongues is given as proof to that and they don't speak in tongues.
Also, from what I know they don't baptize in Jesus name...but Peter said to baptize that way.

Not only that, but again...from what I've heard, Catholics pray to Mary and...other various dead people. Why? "Have no other God's before me" and other scriptures say that same thing, yet Catholics PRAY to dead people!
I know any catholic I've talked to in person cannot describe why they "believe" the way they believe, but they cannot be the first church as they say cuz they don't follow the ways of the first church in the bible.


In response the the third answer, then why did the catholics choose a man that was not totally on the right track with God?

Peter was set in place by Jesus and was a very holy spiritual man...not perfect but very on track. If they follow "Jesus" than catholics should follow what peter preached because He didn't preach anything against what Jesus preached, but it was the same...and more. Peter preached the truth same as Jesus did.


The bibles says speaking in tongues is for a sign.

The bible also says that the Holy Ghost and the gifts of the spirit are different. The gift of tongues is different than speaking in tongues because you are filled with the Holy Ghost.


Also, everyone baptized in the name of Jesus Christ in the bible. In other words, they said...blah blah blah "I now baptize you in the name of Jesus Christ" or however they went about it then. They did not say "I baptize you in the name of the Father, and of the son, and of the HOly Ghost." These three are one. "Hear or Israel, the Lord our God is one..."

If you went to an english teacher and asked them about the scripture that says (in matthew) to baptize in the name of the father son and holy ghost, they would say there's a mystery to this scripture, an unanswered question. What is the name of the father, son, and holy ghost? Peter did not say baptize in "the name of the father son and Holy ghost" but "in the name of Jesus Christ"...Jesus Christ is the name.

The man who died on the cross so that we could have eternal salvation was not God or the HOly Ghost. The power is in the name..Jesus Christ.


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Well to start off with NO man other than Jesus had primacy over the Christian Congregation as Acts 15:1-29 brings out when a disagreement over the issue of circumcission arose they didnt say lets see what peter has to say but the matter was brought to the Apostles and older men and they discussed and prayed over the matter and then announced THEIR DECISSION for the Congregations also the Bible clearly says that there is ONE MEDIATOR BETWEEN GOD AND MAN CHRIST JESUS .....!!!!!!! 1st Tim 2:5 and why would any one pray to dead people to start with as the Bible plainly says that is futile Ecc9:5,10 and Ezekiel 18:4 the whole idea of some pope did not exhist in the Christian Congregation and it was some 4-500 years after the death of peter and the other Apostles and then there is the matter of all the statues and immages , puictures that people pray to why when the Bible cleary condems such un Christian practices Ex 20:1-17, Lev 26:1 2nd Cor 6:16, 1st John 5:21 Isa 44:13-19 Jer 10:14,15, Ps 115: 4-8 Deut 4:25,26 1st Cor 10:14,19-22 Rev 21 :8 really sums it up and as a bit of icing on the proverbial cake we have Matt 23 :5-9 hope this helps best wishes Gorbalizer


Let's take your questions in order:

Yes, we believe Peter was the first Pope.

We do baptize in Jesus name. We baptize in the name of the Father, and of the Son and of the Holy Ghost, just as Christ commanded us to do.

Speaking in tongues is NOT proof of the Holy Spirit. Satan also uses languages to fool believers. Besides, Paul said not all believers would receive all of the gifts of the Spirit.

Catholics do not worship Mary. We believe in the communion of Saints. This teaching comes from the book of Maccabees, which the protestant reformers removed from the bible. We believe the Saints can pray for us. It just like me asking you to pray for my sick father, only you are still alive and a Saint is already with Jesus in heaven. In both cases it is an appeal to God.

You don't have to believe these things, but you should at least be able to respect other Christian faiths. Remember that we are all one body in Christ.


in actuality the 1st chief of the Church after Jesus' dying became into James, Jesus' brother. Paul became into changing Gentiles, which took the church in a distinctive direction than the Jewish Christian Church headed by making use of James, with Peter having a huge impact. Peter did finally end up in Rome, and since the Bishop of Rome is now seen the Pope, there's a link there. despite the fact that, the RC church did not exist till the large Schism of 1054, whilst the Christian Church cut up into 2 factors: the better section (in the East) transforming into to be the Orthodox Church, and the smaller (in the West) transforming into to be Catholic. on the time, there have been quite a few "large patriarchs" of the church, a lot of whom used the identify "Pope," which merely potential father. The patriarchs have been in Rome, Alexandria, Jerusalem, Constantinople, and Antioch. It became into the only in Rome's insistence that he became into better to the others that brought about the wear up of the Church, in actuality. till now that, there became into no single head of the finished Church. Papal infallibility is horribly misunderstood. it is been used precisely two times in all or the history of the Church: the two pronouncements related to Mary, such as her immaculate concept, and actual assumption to Heaven. that's it; the only infallible issues any pope has ever uttered. Peter did not say those issues! And, the present Pope has on no account reported something infallible. Peter did consult from Paul as his "enemy" although, in a letter that keeps to be in existence. BTW, Catholics ARE Christian; between the three (4 in case you contain Anglicans as separate) branches, the others being Orthodox, and Protestant.


Don't Baptize in Jesus" name? Do you know anything? For a Baptism to be valid it must be "in the name of the Father (that would be God), the Son( Jesus!!), and the Holy Spirit. Tongues is not the only proof to having the Holy Spirit. Have you ever prayed for a troubled friend before? Ever? Well, guess what, Mary is my friend. I like her a lot. (admire, not worship). Sometimes I talk to her. Sometimes I talk to my deceased father, it makes me feel better. Am I going to hell for that.? I don't think so.


I am just going to answer your first question. Because catholics were set up on Jesus not Peter. Peter was the pope, but he wasnt God. They follow Jesus' teachings, not Peters. He is merely a saint and a wise man to look up to, but he has no where near the standing of Jesus.

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