can Matt Kenseth win the cup?


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I wasn't a NASCAR fan or racing fan at all, but a friend told me to pick a driver and follow him all season long. Well, he was right, I picked Kenseth and having someone to follow has gotten me into the sport. As to your question, a lot of things have to go his way, but having followed all season any thing can happen on race day.


NO, Well actually he can but I hope he doesn't BIG J.J fan and Matt Kenseth is definitely 1 driver I definitely Don't like. If Kenseth was to win Homestead J.J would only have to finish 12th not taken in consideration of bonus points for either driver. So I would say the race is definitely Johnsons to lose. Even Matt has admitted he is not confident that they can beat Johnson unless he has major issues Sunday.


I think (and hope) kenseth has a good chance at it. But he would need a good race and good pit stops and he would need Johnson to either have a lower starting position or at least be a straggler at the end. I can't stand J.J. or any of the driver's on the Hendrick team. I would have to go with Kenseth.


Jimmy Johnson will win the cup. He has too many points for Matt kenseth to make up for.


i am a die hard kenseth fan and i really hope so but it is unlikely. They said all johnson had to do was finish 12th and he clinches. I think he will do that. Johnson needs to have a mechanical failure to lose the cup. I don't think he will run that low without some sort of problem. I don't know what happened. Matt was doing so well when the chase started. His team just fell apart. I really hate johnson but i guess i just have to face it.

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