SYSTEM RESTORE...Help! (people who know what they're doing, please)?

I tried to download a cd to change modems to a wireless one but had problems so I tried system restore and it said I could not after 5 attempts. I looked some info up on Windows XP and it suggested that I may have a virus or that some files have been infected so it said to remove all restore points from the system restore archive by turning off system restore and then turning it back on. Well I did that and was only able to restore to the same day and not days before that, b'cause I tried. I tried to undo changes and it said it can't. Now the big question, How can I get the computer to go back one week before this mess all started? Will I have to reboot the computer since I can't restore? Please answer as simply as possible as I am no computer genius! Thanks so much!


Favorite Answer

The first thing I would do is a virus scan to get ride off the virus if you have one.

Whatever you do, do not manually delete the restore files as it won't change anything to the system.
Windows has to do the restoring for anything to take effect.

You could also try to re-boot in safe mode and see if it will then restore your files.

It is also possible that it won't restore because you deleted a program manually and Windows cannot find the files to restore.

steven b2006-11-15T17:11:45Z

MY computer will not allow me to restore to an earlier time either, and has not done for over a year. You have three options.

1. Leave well alone and ensure that you have scanned with your antivirus software - as I did.

2. Take it to your PC dealer for a health check.

3. Restore factory settings, which means everything will be lost unless you have back-up cds or a streamer with which to reinstal everything.

My advice as someone who is at your level, is just make sure you have antivirus and spyware installed and you regularly scan for threats/infections.

I hope that is simple enough?


Now since you have removed the restore points you can not do this. You insatll a standard antivirus soft ware such as Norton, AVG , Avast ( free antivirus software and Ad-aware, Ewido ( free spyware removers). You can download free softwares at and
Then try to remove the spyware or virus by scaning.