Answers, please tell me about the daily limit?

Why is there a limit on the number of questions I can answer per day/points?


The question is why is this a requirement? Not about how to check my points, I know how to do that.


Favorite Answer

Because there has to be some perceived benefit for getting more points and moving up a level.
Without it, the whole points system would be pointless (pun)

Dr Dee2006-11-22T07:32:14Z

After level 5 there is no limit.


Yes if you click on "My Q&A" You can see what your allowed # of answers and questions are.

I do not know exactly why they have a limit.

I know the more points you collect, you can have unlimited questions and answers and vote.


Click your point total and level number.

W.orld F.amous2006-11-22T07:33:30Z

good question.