is 3 years older than me to old?

i like a guy who is a senior and im a freshman in highschool is that outragous? cuase i really like him and i cant help it and what makes it worse is that hes my brothers friend I NEED HELP!


Favorite Answer

Oh my.

He's your brother's friend. That makes it tricky.
WELL, I'd say maybe you should try answering the phone AS OFTEN AS YOU CAN and hope it's him. That will make him notice you more. And, if you can, try talking to him ONLY A LITTLE before handing the phone on to your brother, but don't try hard to keep him on the phone with you. Be casual.

And on the three years thing, that's not too bad. It might to better for you to find someone your own age (or at lest closer), but if your CERTAIN that you like him and he's right for you.

slpry L2006-12-08T15:51:01Z

not uncommon to like your brothers friend
but you can be asking for a lot of trouble if you date him
1. from you parents
2. from your brother ( and risk messing his relationship with his friend)
3. with the law if he is 3 years older than you , that would make you about 13 or 14he has got to be 17 or 18 thats not LEGAL
4. please move on


It doesn't matter age as long as you really like eachother and you arent like 20 years apart. lol.


I'm 5 years older than my bf...age doesnt matter..only how you feel about him


no cuz my mom + dad r 3 years apart

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