Help ! Mother in Law problem !?

I keep asking my mother-in-law to NOT send us potted poinsettias anymore. My husband has asked her as well. They are lovely large plants that are very unyielding to carry around to the bathtub to water, I have a terrible green thumb and feel guilty when I can’t keep them alive. Basically, she doesn’t have a clue as to what to send us for the holidays, so, she goes with an old standby. How do I tell her politely that they are more than a nuisance than I care to put up with ? I have told her that I do prefer a bouquet arrangement and I usually send her one with some trinket with it, ie: a candle, teapot or mug. She has told me that she would appreciate it if I were to stop sending the keepsake gift, so I have and only send her the flowers. How can I get her to remember not to send a potted poinsettia ?


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hmmm. she may not want to listen...

but why don't you donate the plant to the local hospital?? I am sure they will welcome it. :) its not re-gifting, it is... donating.

Carolyn S2006-12-11T06:18:27Z

It is not what she has given you but that she thought enough to send you anything at all. I know it is sometimes hard to get to know your in-laws, but it is well worth the effort if you can get along. That means that you have to be willing to overlook some things just as they have to. She either doesn't know what to get you or she can't get out to do the shopping that she needs to do. Better that you should remember this as a lesson to what gifts you get other people. Is it appropriate for them or just easy for you? Maybe it would do you good to learn how to take care of the plant and keep it alive. She might send you something else because you already have the plant. This is also a lesson for you to remember when you become a mother-in-law in the future so that you don't make the same mistakes.


If you've both told her then it's a lost cause.

This year donate the poinsettia to a church, business or homeless shelter for them to enjoy in your MIL name.

If you are inclined to do so, you can thank your MIL for her gift of the poinsettia in a note but also explain to her that since you have a "brown thumb" you have donated the plant in her name. Perhaps next year you will see a difference... if not just grin and bear it.... at least it's not a fruit cake!


When I read your heading, I thought you had a problem with your mother in law. After reading your description I was surprised to learn what is going on.

I hope you dont think I am being rude, but I think that saying something to you MIL is inconsiderate. Just let the plant die and throw it away. Or even throw it away when you get it if you are that upset about it. If she comes over and inquires about the plant tell her what you told us, that you just cant keep them alive.

You already told her your preference so I dont think you should beat a dead horse.

And I will spare you the lecture about what Christmas is about and how you should be thankful for what you have.


Ditto on giving it to the hospital or something, they would enjoy it. Noone expects a potted poinsettia to last forever, they're a very seasonal flower. Send it out with your Christmas tree. Or, tell her that you LOVE her chocolate chip cookies (or whatever she can bake), and could she give you all a batch or two for Christmas instead. What a sweet gift!

If you have pets, tell your Mother-in-law that you can't have the pointsettia around because the cat/dog may eat it, and it could kill them. We love pointsettias, but we have a cat and can't have them.

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