Dogs are funny?

My dog barks at his own shawdow, does anyone elses dog do this or other strange things


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yes and he goes berserk when you flip a towel at him and he jumps out of his fur when the fire in the fire place goes snap crackel pop!!!! he likes flashlights too


We trained our greyhound/Sheppard mix, Inga, to think her butt is extra special. I'm talking the area where the top of her tail and back meet. If she really likes someone or wants our attention, she walks her hiney right in front of you then turns her huge neck and head around to look at you like, what are you waiting for? It's right in front of you. She's big enough to lift one hind leg and plop her butt on your lap while standing on the other three legs when she really means business. The funniest part is new though. She's been doing this trick for three years now and all of a sudden, two weeks ago, she starts darting her tongue out of her mouth continually when you scratch her spot. As soon as you stop, she stops. It's every time now. She's a very funny dog and until her, I've never seen such a strong sense of humor in one of our pooches.

simply s2006-12-12T21:56:17Z

yes my dog also barks at it shawdow and she hit her head at five times a day at the foot of my bed


Yes I have 2 dogs that as soon as they start out the doggie door they are in full form barking at everything.

Clown Knows2006-12-12T21:51:08Z

Our latest adopted dog was badly abused and barks at everything. Lately he noticed that the DVD player makes noise when the disk spins, and that it open and closes as if by magic. He gets up and stares at it.

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