Just when religious pseudo-science couldn't get any worse. Theists, atheists, I'm looking for comments on this. Please tell me I'm not alone in thinking that this guy is way round the bend.
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I want to find this guy and ask him about these freckles on my arm. I have four of them. I want to know how these four freckles symbolize the life and/or death and/or resurrection of Jesus.
(Also, Mars...technically god of war, but for that you're looking more at the Greek counterpart Ares--Ares was almost an abstract distillation of the idea of war. Mars, in Roman society, was seen more as a quite benevolent agricultural god and was rarely invoked as a god of war. But, I realize I'm asking for a lot of research there...)
That is an interesting web page. I don't think this guy is way round the bend. I think he is assuming things. He wrote that Mars (word) meant God of War. So some wannabe god was named Mars after a planet / star. Or the planet was named after a wannabe god.
Mars means God of war. When studying the heavens one can come up with things. There is truth in it, but I am not confident that Mars represents Jesus Christ. It is written in the Revelation that Jesus Will Give Venus to those who overcome. And also Jesus said, "I AM the Bright and Morning Star.". I don't think Mars is the bright and morning Star.
It is true that the devil has attempted to usurped Gods identity in many characteristics of God. Jesus takes back what is rightfully His.