I have a small?

farm here in north east texas bout 50 acres i grow loblolly pine my house is in the middle of it i waslooking out my window this morn.and saw about 25 robins .i only saw one male .can anyone tell me whats going on is this normal or are they trying to tell me something

ARE YOUR NEWFS GELLIN'?2006-12-24T11:42:04Z

Favorite Answer

NEVER start you question with.."I have a small??". Leaves WAY too much to the imagination!!!


Sure this is normal. Human males try to have the same situation. Have a nice holiday.

s p2006-12-24T12:08:03Z

ummm,yeah.... did you really want an answer to this? birds are like any other animal species, theirs usually one dominant male, he earns breedin rights.... haha, have you seen birds do it yet? its actually funny to see