Which T.V. cartoon character has more evil traits: South Park's Eric Cartman or Futurama's Bender Bending Rodriguez? This is entirely up to you and your oppinion: Give a reason or two to back up your view.
Lotta people going with Cartman here. Remember Bender's motto, "Kill all humans!"
Favorite Answer
tough call, but i say Cartman. a. he tried to eradicate the Jews b. he tried to sell fetuses for their stem cells c. he made Scott Tenneman eat his own parents at the chili cook off d. he snuck into the special olympics e. add your own reason here ____________
LMAO I read your comment about Bender wanting to kill all people look at it this way....he's a robot who is "programmed" to hate and kill people while Eric Cartman is an actual person (not in reality but you get what I'm saying) who hates everyone and has no regard for the human race as well. So being "human" he's more evil because that's just the way he is not the way he was programmed like Bender. I'll ro sham bo you for it! p.s. did I honestly just say all that stuff above without being drunk? LMAO nice!
Absolutely Cartman. He kidnapped Butter, faked his death, just to get to go to Casa Bonita or how he had his mom hold a bedding pan while he's having diarrhea; just to name a few. Bender can't compare.