Does anyone else have the same question???????

Why is it that str8 people come on to the section that is LGBT and answer questions in a hateful manner? And where is the section marked str8 so I can go do the same to them?? I mean, it doesn't really make any sense to me to go to a category that is marked specifically for a certain group of people and then bash on them and their questions. I was just wondering if anyone else felt the same?


I don't really want to go bash str8 people, I just wish they though about how stupid it makes them look to come and do it to the LGBT community.


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I completely agree with you.


I answer questions on the LGBT section that have to do with same sex marriage because I for the life of me can't think of a single valid reason why it is not legal in all 50 of these United States. I certainly would never come to this section to bash you or be hateful because or your orientation. That said if you must bash straight folks go to the Singles & Dating section as there are some silly questions asked there.

Edit: And for the record. I don't come to this section. I just answer questions from the "All Categories" page.


Well, I'am straight and I do not agree with how some people get on here and bash gays. I'am totally open to anyone and their preferences in life. Some people just don't understand and don't care to understand the homosexual community and that's cool because that is what they believe in but it's not good for them to vent out their frusterations on something as sensitive a subject as this. People of all walks of life have feelings, whether you are gay, straight, black, white, young or old. It's bad enough that our society puts down gays like it's a sin or it's a disease. People who come on to the LGBT section who are not gay and answer questions in a hateful way or even post questions have nothing better to do than to critisize because their own life sucks.


An interesting question. I guess if the LGBT section is going to be an open and free forum for the exchange of ideas, it has to be open even to those who want to bash gays and lesbians. It's a bit like the Religion and Culture section. It is a forum for the discussion of religion and culture, not just for discussion between religious people.

I wish you well though. And I'll even visit the LGBT section occasionally and try to help you deal with the bashers.


Uh it's not straight people who do it, it's gay bashers and a lot of them are probably closet cases. This category is marked for LGBT questions and answers, it's for the type of questions not the people asking them, it's open to anyone who thinks they can help with the questions.

Homophobes are bigots and hypocrites but not because of their sexuality. Whether it's the way they were raised or just some evil that they are born with they are twisted people. Please don't generalize, it means that you're stooping to the bashers level, not cool.

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