Why does everyone set it so no one can e-mail them?

I try to get as many best answers as I can and I don't answer some questions because the question doesn't give enough info to give a correct answer.
Some of them is like a shot in the dark and I will not answer them.
I have e-mailed a couple of people and got nice responses from them after I found out what the problem truely was and was able to help them.
I am disabiled from a fall I took, but I worked in construction for over 30 years and know what I am talking about. If I don't, I keep my mouth shut, but there are some people that answer questions and make the answer sound like it is correct when it is fool hardy to attempt what they say.
I was just wondering why you ask a question but close your e-mail out. It is simple enough to spam someone that is bothering you.


Ok, Ok, Ok. I can understand every ones answers so we need to fix the problem.
There should be a way to ask the person that ask the question to start with, a question about his or her question ( dang, did I say that right) so you can give them an answer without a shot in the dark and making your ratings for best answers go down.
I don't answer a question I don't know the answer too, and people that know me knows "IF I GIVE YOU AN ANSWER", it's right but this is the net. People believe what they read and I have seen some stupid answers on here taht was believeable. Totally stupid, because I do know, but still beleaveable.
On one site there was a man that told another he could cut a propane tank with a cutting torch
if he took the valve off and hooked a vacumn to it.
I mean "KER FRIGING BOOM". Good bye dude. And the guy said that makes sense and he was going to try it.
Seriously, I haven't seen him post on the site again. If you are going to ask a question on here, use facts


Thanks to all for the kind words and the reasons you gave, but we haven't gotten anything fixed yet.
I think everyone needs to e-mail the moderators and explain the problem so it can get fixed. I am sure there are a lot of others out there that can answer queston better than I can, especially if it doesn't have something to do with working with your hands, and they feel the same way as I do.
They want to be reconized as someone that doesn't run there mouth unless they know what they are talking about.
It's hard to get a better answer than I can give you when it comes to construction and welding, but in other fields, I'm as dum as a can of worms.
I think that the biggest problem is the people asking the questions. They don't give enough info to answer to start with. And then again again, some of them sounds like they are as dum as a can of worms by the way they ask it.
I just move on when if it had been ask right, me, or someone else could have answered it correctly


Favorite Answer

i agree with the guy. there are a lot of good questions that get blown out by bad or stupid answers. theres also alot of people that half ask questions (not enough info)thats where you can hope they read your question regarding their question and hope they update thier inquire, or, if your a level 2 or higher you can vote it as a good or bad question as well as voting on answers. i myself would like nothing but best answers and all the points to go with them. but i'm not going to attempt an answer on an area that i'm not sure of. i'll leave that to someone more qaulified after all is that not the reason for yahoo questions and answers. so the informed can inform them/ those that are inquisitive and energetic enough to want to DYI.as far as blockin email, theres alot of silly stupid people out there on the www. that all they need to know about me personally is my screen name thats why they make spam blockers and you have the choice of opening or deleting the ones that make it through. i figure if i dont recognize the screen name associated with the email it gets reported as spam and deleted

DSM Handyman2007-01-02T10:18:40Z

Didn't I see this exact same question from a couple of days ago? It is an excellent question, though, so even if it is a duplication, it is definately worth repeating.

I do not want to converse via e-mail because this is a public self-help forum. We all want to see the answers so we all can benefit from them. When the conversation is via e-mail, the rest of us loose the knowlege that is given. It is also important for us to see the questions that you are asking the original poster. That way, people who post will know what kind of things to put into their post.

I understand that you want to keep your "best answer" percentage up, but wouldn't it be a better service to the people if you posted the significant questions that the original person needs to answer.

Also, the problem of SPAM is an epidemic. On one of my addresses, I get at least 50 SPAM messages a day. On another, I typically get 10 a day that are exact duplicates, only the name and subject are different. The senders do not offer an opt-out address to shut off the flow of junk. Also, many opt-out addresses do not work. Some even guarantee more SPAM.

If the filter did not catch them, that address would be literally unusable because it takes too long to weed out the junk.

It is great that you are trying to help others, good for you. I do volunteer work at a local non-profit. That is more rewarding than any amount of money. It feels good to help others with no expectation of payment.

Joel A2007-01-02T16:06:35Z

I've run into this before also. What you can do is when you answer the person, tell them to go back and edit/add more info to the question. They can do that at any time. So if there is something specific that you need to know to come up with a solution/answer to their particular problem, let them know what you need to know. Some people will add the required info, some will not. I guess it depends on how bad they want a good answer. Just keep at it, there are PLENTY of people who need help in the DIY area on here!


I wonder how many people actually read through your entire commentary. Wow. Have you thought about finding a hobby or something? Or maybe taking a class on getting to the point?


Not everybody feels the same way.Some people just want privacy.It's nice that u like helping people out.

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