Converting to Islam?

I'm not sure which catagory this goes in, so I'll probably put it under politics since its more that way, but here's my question.

If I convert to Islam, then use my new found religion to declare fatwah on something such as political correctness, I get a bunch of fanatical followers who explode themselves every time they hear an instance of political correctness, where do you think it would get me?

Kwan Kong2007-01-02T11:19:41Z

Favorite Answer

It woul get you a lot of exploding followers.


yup... if u join islam, then u can use the war-maniac phedopilhe mohamed's book / koran to ask your followers to fight others, they will explode themselves and goes to hell, while they think they are going to rest in heaven with 72 virgin LOL...

so if u want to have a large number of suicide bomber group, join islam, and make a fatwah...

aahh.. and dont forget to mention the 72 virgin, all moslem guy is sex-maniac, just like their phedophile prophet.


To where we are in the world today with the every Islamic country and even non-muslim countries. Perhaps WW3?


There is always a reaction to it. BUT what you need to do is be strong in the belief.
I get surprised when I read that ppl think Isla is related to terrorism whereas its not true.
There are ppl who are staunch but that doesnt make the religion bad?
If you are more interested visit

my alias2007-01-02T19:14:28Z

Terrorism and cult activities since your follower, by your command, put other in danger.

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