Isn't it sad ?

That you come to YA to burn some time, read some questions, answer a few. But in all of this there are people that make you stay out of certain categories. Do any of you find that you tend to not answer questions, say in Politics or other categories just because of all the balarkey getting thrown around? If so, which categories do you stay out of and why ?

Yahzmin ♥♥ 4ever2007-01-05T11:43:19Z

Favorite Answer

Religion, definitely. Never did do politics, but even my favorite, Environment & Ecology is now very rapidly becoming a "Global Warming" screaming match! Sad, yes.


I've noticed that in politics, military, government, etc., the 'questions' are usually statements (with a question mark added at the end). Usually they are angry, highly opinionated statements designed to get angry responses that will either agree, or not agree, with the asker. Then the asker will give a best answer to the response that most closely agrees with her/him.


Yes, as not only do I garner violation notices for exopressing an opinion (as the asker disagrees with it), you can get hooked up into a flamer war


yes it is sad, I stay out of Politics,Religion and P/S because of all the hate filled answers !!!