Why do we think inheritance is a good idea?

Wouldn't the world be a better place if all inheritance were collected and used to offer equal opportunity and education to all citizens based on skill, talent and ability without regard to birthright?


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people are shrewd and wicked. it wouldn't work... utopian vision...


Besides the genocides, famines, world wars, and nuclear weapons, government has done a great job providing for people.
Why do some people think powerful government is a good idea?

All Hail Government !

I type this once again:
ENVY - occurs when a person lacks another’s superior quality, achievement, or possession and either desires it or wishes that the other lacked it

Let me tell you what would make this world a better place - LIBERTY !!!



People use the ability to pass on their wealth to their children, spouse, etc. as an incentive to earn the wealth in the first place. Tell them that the wealth will be dissolved upon their death, and their motivation to accumulate that wealth, which represents a contribution to society, in the first place is significantly diminished.

Why should people not be allowed to have their personal property divided up as they please? Why should people not have the right to ensure that their children, that their spouse, will be financially secure after they die?

I agree that people should have access to quality education, but revoking people's inheritance isn't a way to do it. Utopian visions don't work because they don't take human behavior into account.


I don't know your situation, but those that are getting inheritances seem okay not giving it others besides the family. If you are not getting an heritance, this sharing of everyone's family momey does may sense.:)