Final Fantasy X Players....Yuna's Sphere Grid?

I'm done with Yuna's Sphere Grid and was wondering where should I move her to? Like whose sphere grid should I move her to....which abilities should she learn. Just want your opinion. Just let me know how you advanced each character.


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In my silly little head Yuna's a mage class. I went over to the last section of Lulu's grid. There Yuna can get more magic buffs as well as the strongest black magic spells.


I'm not that far yet but I would move her to Lulu's sphere grid because she's got lots of spells and other black magic.


i moved her over to kimarhi's grid, both because blue magic is some of the strongest magic out there, and because stat growth is good in all areas. she'll get some attack strength, while maintaining good magic stats. after that, i moved her rikku's, for stealing and for the speed. white mages need to be fast, and luck is always useful, no matter what class you are


Ff10 Sphere Grid Guide


I connected her off of Rikku I believe so. I had her limit break as well, along with a lot of custom weaponry and magic. Just do with her as you see fit, that is the glory of custom leveling and powers.