could I really be pregnant??

I have had sex every weekend and used the withdrawl method (pull-out). My last period started on 12/5/06 and it ended around the 11th. I haven't got a period this month. I have bad cramps in my stomach (mainly in the middle) I'm constantly running to the bathroom but half the time I feel like I have to go, I don't. I just feel like I have to but when I try, nothing comes out. My breast are sore and swollen. I get dizzy everytime I stand up and even when I'm sitting still or standing still. I constantly feel nauseous. The father (if I am) thinks my period is being delayed because we had sex on the night it should've arrived but I don't think it's possible. Does it sound like I'm pregnant? I'm going to get a test done when I can. What's the best test to get done? PLEASE don't leave any rude comments. Thanks for taking time to read this and thanks in advance to those who take the time to help me. Oh and I also have
slight back pain and MAJOR neck pain.

Miss Lady2007-01-13T20:48:16Z

Favorite Answer

Get a First Response pregnancy test, Ive got those every time Ive been pregnant and they worked right for me. You probably are pregnant considering u havent started your period and some of the symptoms. Are u tired a lot? thats another sign. peeing every 2-4 hours is normal... I am 8 weeks pregnant and i feel the same way except no neck pain. Any shoulder pain? if so thats a sign of an ectopic pregnancy (tubal pregnancy) make sure u get a blood test done too those are most accurate!


there is a good probability that you are pregnant. the symptoms are certainly indacting that it is possible. You need to take a pregnancy test or see a doctor.
If you are then congratulations
If not you should be aware of the following
The withdrawal method typically has a failure rate of 15-28%. This means that on average you could get pregnant around one time in 5 that you have sex. so if you are relying on the withdrawal method and are having sex every weekend it is very likely that you will be pregnant in the next 3-6 months.


Definetly possible. Go get a store test, if anything to ease your mind, FIRST RESPONSE is on of the best, detects it early on...the stress isn't doing you any good. How late? I don't think you'd be getting a lot of these signs this early on, but again it is possible. You might be so worried you are thinking your body into pregnancy (happens a lot) so go take a bath, and relax and you should get it. I was 14 days late last month for no apparent reason. You should get on some birth control though so it doesnt happen next time. The nuvaring is fantastic! No side effects


there, i got that out, not trying to be rude. before ejaculation, there is fluid that comes out calles pre-ejaculate fluid-it contains sperm. it doesnt matter if he pulled out, you still had his sperm in you. if you turn out to not be pregnant and you do not want a baby, use protection the whole time.
but i hate to tell you, your symptoms sound like you are. thats exactly how i felt when i found out. i am 2 months pregnant, i know this stuff. i also passed sex-ed classes when i was in high school, i know what i am talking about honey. take a home pregnancy test. if it is positive, go to the local health department or your doctor.

while your symptoms are early, it could still be possible. but dont stress over it too much, it can psychologically make you feel pregnant. stress can make you miss your period and make you nauseas, etc.

also, your period cannot be delayed because you had sex when you were supposed to get it, i dont know where he has been getting his information, but he needs to find a new source.

good luck. blessed be.


Chances of pregnancy are high because of the method used. Even with pulling out, there is still a chance of getting pregnant. Especially if intercourse was done around the 19th of Dec. I would recommend having a beta blood test done by the DR. Tell him/her that you want a quantitive, and a qualitive test done. One will tell you if you are pregnant, and 1 will tell you how far you are based on your hcg levels. If pregnancy is ruled out, I suggest you wait anothe week or 2 to see if your menstrual starts.

Good Luck!

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