Do you think people have sin from Adam and Eve? I can answer this Question also?


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of course not. we aren't responsible for anybody else's sins but our own.


No I do not believe people have sin from Adam and Eve. The entire story is made up. People will argue with me till they are blue in the face, telling me I am wrong but it is the truth.

Adam and Eve are fictional characters. Many Christians actually believe that several generations of inbreeding resulted in the human race. They also believe a lot of other goofy stories. It is beyond me why they would choose to follow this delusional mind frame.

Mary W2007-01-19T02:21:17Z

The myth of the sin of Adam and Eve represents how humans choose to disobey God and allow sin to enter the world. This first sin or Original Sin does effect us.
We are all influenced by the sin of others and by the sin of our parents. We learn from them good and bad. Prejudice is one example.
Another example would be if our parents drink too much or smoke. As a child, exposed to this environment, we are greatly influenced by what our parents do or do not do.
When we reach the age of reason, we are responsible for our own actions. This is even more so as we grow into adults.
As adults we have the free will to participate in the sin of others or to choose not to.

Ray W2007-01-19T02:33:34Z

Adam's sin has been passed on the all people.Romans 5: 12 Wherefore, as by one man sin entered into the world, and death by sin; and so death passed upon all men, for that all have sinned: The only way to take of our sins is to believe and trust that the Lord Jesus Christ died for our sins.


Adam & Eve are the creations of ancient religion who didn't have enough knowledge to realize that if people from the same family inbreed, the children are born with genetic deformities. Religion loves people who don't think.

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