Best Answers?

"there are a lot of good answers besides mine, But the best one wasn't chosen"
Does this sound like a statment that you would make?
If so, why should the asker not choose the answer that
he/she feels is best for them?


Favorite Answer

I have no idea why people choose some of the best answers they do. Often they pick the ones who just stroke their ego. I answered a question where someone was looking for the name of a book. I gave the (correct) name and author within minutes. Later another person said that they had also forgotten the name but agreed it was a great book. The person who said they DIDN'T know the answer got "best answer!"

Sometimes 50 people will tell the person the same thing, which is the right answer (something along the lines of "Sorry, what you want to do isn't possible). Then one person will post something that's completely wrong but is what the person wants to hear, and they get best answer.

The person may choose the answer that they "feel" is best for them, but that doesn't mean it's right.


People like to hear what they want to hear not what is good for them. So they choose the answer that they like best.


Most of the time they're just looking for exactly what they want to hear, so it wasn't really a question to begin with. It was just to prove themselves right.

sahara sunrise2007-01-19T01:34:35Z


It happens to me lots i guess that its their erogency and pride?!! dont know really but thats what i'm always telling my self.

Lost. at. Sea.2007-01-18T21:17:06Z

Sometimes you are not looking for the"best" answer.