What do you think of this evidence, which supports the Bible?

The Arch of Titus, in Rome, Italy - depicts the attack of Jerusalem by the Romans. In one panel the Romans are seen carrying off the items, that are described in the Temple of Jerusalem by The Torah and the Old Testament of the Bible. By the way, this destruction was predicted by Jesus Christ (Matthew 24:1-2)



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"Tucking Fypos" should switch his name to "F...ing Giecos." He's an idiot!! Nobody could have predicted the fall of Rome except Jesus himself! He taught at a time when the Roman Empire was at its PEAK!


The words in Matthew 24, 1-2, written some 40 or 50 years after the death of Jesus, do not specifically predict the attack of Jerusalem by Roman, but only the destruction of the temple.

Since I took the time to examine your claims, would you be kind enough to return the favor and read "The Bible Unearthed" by Finkelstien and Silberman?


what evidence are you talking about? If you mean The Arch of Titus, then that is hardly evidence to prove that the Bible is, in fact, God's Book. Listen, there is nothing new under or over the Sun. What happened between the Romans and the Jews happened way before there were anyone called JEW or ROMAN on the planet. What the western world is acting out is everything that has already happened to other civilizations. But it just has a Europeans twist to it now. When I say western world I mean Europeans. There were many many things going on way before there were Europeans. The European is the last culture on the genetic tree, and this is why they claim to have invented mostly everything. They seek to make t heir mark on the world, and that is why you see things the way they are. So it was and still is easy to predict the future. People are constantly forgetting the old sayings. And in this case there is one that comes to mind, " if one knows his or her past, then one is bound to not repeat it." There are millions and millions of Europeans that don't know their past, or don't care to talk about it simply because it's ugly. Or they will only go back so far and stop. Before the times, that the western world calls the DARK AGES, common sense tells me that it was named that to either one, keep people from thinking that there was something before that, and two to lead people astray. Here is an xample of being led astray. The western world has given the prophet JESUS the name JESUS when that couldn't have been his name do to the FACT that the world during his time didn't use the (J) like they use it now. The letter J came along later in the alphabet. Remember English is the newest of languages. English is not even a language as people have made it out to be. Actually, english is a dialect of Latin, and today we look at it as a language. So my point is that the Arch of Titus is no real evidence to support the Bible and the prophecies are not either. If a person in todays society sit down and study the past and do research on current events, they will be able to predict the future as well. I can tell you what is going to happen to this world. It's destiny. It happened before and it will happen again. As long as humans continue to seek revenge they will always be trapped in a 360 degree cycle. Xample. If all women became physically stronger than men overnight, and reeived the high paying, high level jobs that men now hold, can you imagine how many states in America would be turned into male labor camps? Or how many men would be killed in the streets? In this example, females have power and by them seeking revenge for all the bad things males have done to them, they cause the cycle to complete itself yet again. And I say this because of the law of nature, " What goes around, comes around.' Look at society today, the females are positioning themselves at this very moment, but it is happening slowly. However, once females do take control, millions will GET revenge and that will cause another LOOP. Now my question to you is does your GOD like to LOOP around, as the one in the Bible does, or is your GOD forever elevating, and forever rising to higher heights?


Why would this support the Bible any more than it would support Roman history? No one said the Bible wasn't likely to contain some historical "fact" in terms of what was happening to the Jews as they were conquered.

As for Jesus predicting this, I'd like to know when this attack took place, since the book of Matthew was written well after Jesus' death and it would have been very easy to slip in something that had just happened as a "prediction". That really doesn't "prove" that Jesus predicted it. That's like someone chronicling the life of Sylvia Browne 20 years after her death and stating that she miraculously predicted an event that had happened the year before the book was published.



The destruction of the second temple was predicted long before Jesus came around. He was just repeating what had been known for centuries. As for the Arch of Titus, the events depicted it are historical fact, recorded in Roman histories, Josephus, Philo and the Talmud among others.

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