Why ask a question for opinions and then give Best Answer to someone who thinks just like you do?

I recently asked a question and actually differed in opinion with the person I gave Best Answer to. I just read all the answers and felt that person gave the most thought out answer. I could see the other person's point. Do you think that people only ask for others opinions only to valid their own ?


I understand what you're saying, and I too will pick an answer that mirrors my own opinion..if it is truly the "best answer" What gets me is when people give the credit to someone that says..yup..totally agree..without much thought at all.


Favorite Answer

Well, there's no way to tell why someone chose a particular answer as the best, unless they give an explanation. But as far as I've noticed, many people do choose views that match their own. Its just an aspect of human psychology - to choose things that reinforce your existing beliefs. Yes, sometimes people can be very close-minded and selective, but overall I guess that's the appeal of Y! Answers: you get a bunch of views, and its very easy to ignore what you don't like....unlike a face-to-face conversation where shutting out the other person is tougher. That and the anonymity is probably why so many unload their personal issues here.


I myself agree with Shalom. I too also answered a similar question that you answered as well at this link below:


I guess like minds do think ..well, alike! As the saying goes.That's what I love about humanity as social creatures. We always find a way to learn and yet repeat history from different spectrums of life.

But honestly, yes it is a bit irritating to receive a mirror answer. I could talk to myself for that matter LOL!!

I am not looking for best answer, just wanted to share my opinion, after all that is part of why we are all here....I hope :)




I agree with actually.
I think you should take the other persons view on board.
Why ask questions if you have already decided what your answer will be?
I suppose one thing is I've ruined my chancces of a best answer on this one.