Whats up with Celeb Rehab?

Who ever heard of rehab for homophobic remarks??? I haven’t -and I think it’s just pathetic that us "normal" people are supposed to fall for this bull sh*t, made up therapy, that is just a lame act to cover irresponsible behavior.
Does Hollywood really think we all are that stupid?

What’s next ....??
Nose Pickers Anonymous


Favorite Answer

LMAO!!!! You are soooooo right. I guess so he can get sympathy for his actions so he goes to homosexual bigotry rehab. I think we're all getting a little over sensitive about stuff like that. The man is an actor, not a pastor or priest or president. We shouldn't hang on celebrities every words. We shouldn't be outraged by what he says because he's just a regular person and regular people can be idiots.


Some people ARE that stupid to believe that.And I think they already have the nose picking one..