Does bar soap harbor bacteria?

We have a bar in the shower, and on the bathroom sink and it's used by different people throughout the day. Can you pick up an infection from washing your hands?


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Yes, they harbour bacteria...shockingly large numbers of them.

No, you are not likely to pick-up an infection. But, it can happen. Especially if you have an exceptionally weak immune system.

Please note: Avoid anti-bacterial soap at all costs. The more of this crap out there, the more superbugs that will come into being. This holds true for anti-bacterial plastics and other substances. You should ONLY use anti-bacterial soaps in hospitals and clinical environments, unless your immune system sucks. After all, doctors are still perscribing antibiotics for viral infections (like the common cold or flus), because their patients are demanding them!


Do not use hand soap from anyone. Always use gel or bath wash or something of that nature. You dont know what kind of std stays hidden, even other types of bacteria, especially diseases that live on skin to skin contact. If you must use hand soap carry around antibacterial lotion or something of the sort.


seems kinda gross to me I buy hand soap and bath gel....better safe than sorry


thats why its best to get ANTI-BACTERIAL soap
liquid or bar, better than the bar