I don't know about you, but sometimes i find it awkward to start a conversation with someone. Weather it be my girlfriend, a friend, or someone i don't know. What do you think is the best way to open a conversation. And what sort of topics do you think are interesting and would make a good conversation??
Favorite Answer
The art of conversation may be difficult for people who are thinkers and not talkers. Many people have a certain thought process that analyzes everything first and then reacts. This causes problems with socialization (and is one reason math/engineering geeks always seem to be on the social outskirts at college). One of the best ways to overcome this mental roadblock is to take a speech class. Many community colleges offer them for very cheap even to adults who never went to college. Why attend a speech class you ask? First and foremost- it teaches you to think on your feet. Striking up a conversation is not about 'what' is the right thing to say, but just saying what is on your mind, and beginning a flow of communication between you and another person. If you can learn how to open up this channel between you and an audience, you will become very adept at opening it with another person. I took a year of speech and saw introverted guys with zero communication skills turn into talented orators- and even more talented conversationalists. That's my best advice to you. Good luck!
RE: What is the best way to start a conversation? I don't know about you, but sometimes i find it awkward to start a conversation with someone. Weather it be my girlfriend, a friend, or someone i don't know. What do you think is the best way to open ...